Sunday, June 21, 2009

help daddy...

Here is another video for you enjoyment!

Aaron loves to "help"! We laugh all day at his new things were..."daddy, what are you doin?" and to Lydia..."come here pes us (precious). I hold her".

Caleb and his kids!

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To the best daddy...

There is no better day than today, Father's day to do the first blog post in a long time. As many of you have witnessed, Caleb is an AMAZING DADDY! Both Aaron and Lydia love him sooo much and I can't even put into words how much I love him and how thankful I am that he is my husband and best friend. I pray that Aaron will grow up to be a man like him and that Lydia will marry a man like him. Thank you Caleb for being such a great daddy! WE LOVE YOU!!