Thursday, October 23, 2008

Aaron in a pumpkin patch

It's a girl!!

To our surprise we found out Friday that we are having a girl!!! Here she is...

Friday, October 10, 2008


Aaron is really funny with shoes. Sometimes he can't wait to get them off...especially in the car...other times he begs us to put them on. Yesterday he found he cowboy boots and said "boot" until I put them on. We are both feeling a little under the weather so yesterday was a PJ day. Here is Aaron in his PJ's and cowboy boots. He played like this all morning.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sending an email

Finally a good picture with a smile!!!

We set up a table with an old key board and mouse for Aaron in the office and when we are using the computer, he will climb into his chair and start typing away.
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Cleaning Up

Aaron is really good about picking up his toys, stuff he spills, and now wiping up toys. Today when he and Caleb spilled some water he was trying to wipe it up. So, I did what any mom would do and gave him a paper towel and put him to work. Here he is at work...he actually really enjoyed it.

Throwing away the dirty paper towel

striking a pose
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Today Aaron got his first golf lesson from Caleb. He was a natural!!!

How far did it go?

Concentration very hard
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