Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas decorations

Playing in Christmas PJs
Aaron "helping" Caleb with the Christmas tree. He was really good at helping loosen the pegs that Caleb wasn't working on.
Caleb taking a break once Aaron learned the right way to turn the pegs
Our decorated of the tree to come
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Aaron's masterpiece

Yesterday we caught Aaron working on a masterpiece....on our wall. We haven't had to tell him not to draw on the walls before, but I think he got the hint after we found him yesterday. Don't worry grandparents...he didn't get a spanking...this time. Next time, different story. We did learn that crayons need to be put up when we are done "dra"ing with Aaron. I learned today that WD-40 gets crayon off I will have to give that a try.
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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Baby Girl

Here are a couple pics of our little girl from my doctors appt a couple of weeks ago. They wanted me to do to another ultrasound because they didn't get a good look at or aorta the first time around. THankfully everything looked great this time. She is measuring right on track. At first she wasn't very cooperative, she was facing my back. But after some pushing and a little "talking to" we got to see her beautiful face.

Babies and oatmeal

I left Aaron alone eating his oatmeal for a couple of minutes this morning and this is what I came back too. Note to self...toddlers must always be supervised when eating messy food. You would think after the applesauce and this I will learn my lesson.
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Aaron and his bunny ("mimi")

Aron loves his bunny and blankets and has to have them to go to sleep. He calls them his "mimi". I have no idea where that name came from. Anyways, he grabs them for bed or if he is upset or hurt. They comfort him more than we can. Since he is sick, I let him carry them around more. This is from last night right before bed. He climbed into his rocking chair, hugged his bunny saying "rock rock". SOOOOO sweet. To whom ever got Aaron this bunny before he was born, thank you...he loves it. The only problem is it has gotten kind of gross (i wash it a couple times a week) and it has been retired and I am not wanting to pay $25-30 for a new one off ebay. Why did he have to love the one thats hard to get??

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aaron unloading dishwasher

Normally when Aaron picks up something big or heavy there is a lot of grunting going along as well as him saying "biiiig". Of course we didn't get much in this video but it still is very cute.

What a beautiful sight

There isn't much better to a tired pregnant woman whose back is hurting than to watch others clean up. After dinner Caleb cleaned the kitchen and Aaron ran in to help. Aaron loves to "help" unload the dishwasher. Here they are hard at work.

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Monday, November 24, 2008

24 weeks

This is for those of you who I haven't seen in a while who were wonder how my belly was. I finally broke down and took some pictures this past week. So here is the belly at 24 weeks. Our little girl is growing well. I have more ultrasound pics I will try to get up soon. She is very active and has a powerful kick. I love feeling her kick, buts its not always the most comfortable, especially when they are aimed at my bladder.

Aaron and I
Aaron loves the idea of a baby in my belly. I don't know how much he understands...but he loves to pat, kiss, and lay his head on my stomach and says "baby". Sometimes I wonder if he can hear her moving around. I'm waiting to see what he will do when he feels her move in there. Hopefully he will be this sweet when she comes. Only if he knew how much his world was going to get turned upside down.
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Aaron loves balls right now. He even wakes up asking for them. Here are some pics of him trying to play basketball at my parents. He's got the concept...too bad the goal is a little too tall. Good thing Christmas is just around the corner...

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Friday, November 14, 2008

Some days I want to quit...

I have been putting off this blog all week wanting it to be perfect...but it won't be. But here I go anyways...

Most days, most of the time, I LOVE being a mom and being able to stay home with Aaron. As every parent knows, especially stay at home moms, there are some times where you just can't believe what falls into your job description. On Monday Mom and Dad came up to see Aaron and Mom went with me to the doctor (more on that later). Luckily Aaron took a nice long nap with dad babysitting. He always (almost always) naps really good when grandparents are around. Back to the point...Between the time that mom and dad left and Caleb got home from work the following events happened. This was all in about an hour or so. First, we start with a routine diaper change on the floor. Aaron jumps up in the middle and runs free. So, he goes around the corner and I starting hearing "uh oh". Not a good sign when your toddler is diaper free. Yes, he peed (sp?) on the carpet and tries to wipe it up with his bare hands. Gross. I proceed to capture Aaron, get him diapered, hands washed and carpet cleaned right before getting ready for dinner. Then dinner time happens. Aaron was eating some applesauce for dinner insisting on feeding himself with a spoon. He normally does real well to start off with. So, I was doing other stuff downstairs peaking in on him and then I hear him say "no no". He often tells on himself when he does/is doing something he knows better than. I come in and see applesauce EVERYWHERE. He not only was using his hands to throw it from his high chair he was filling his spoon up and shaking it. Lucky mommy gets to clean applesauce up from everywhere within a 3-4 ft radius of his highchair. Only after he got a good spanking. With applesauce all over him, we go straight up for a bath. Aaron still loves baths and got a nice long bath where he got to play for longer than usual. I didn't think he could do too much damage in the tub, just splash some water, right?? WRONG. After getting him a cleaned up he stands up and shakes. I proceed to ask it he is cold and ready to get out. As soon as the words come out of my mouth I hear something go "plop". As Aaron proceeds to poop in the tub. Yes, you are reading correctly, and unfortunately this isn't the first time. I yank him out and sit him on the potty, but of course, he is done and its all in the tub. So I proceed to clean Aaron up AGAIN and did all I knew to do to save the rest of the day...put him to bed early. This pregnant, hungry, tired mom had about all she could take. Any one of the above events can easily get to you, but all three in about an hour was too much for me. OH, the joys of motherhood!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Aaron in a pumpkin patch

It's a girl!!

To our surprise we found out Friday that we are having a girl!!! Here she is...

Friday, October 10, 2008


Aaron is really funny with shoes. Sometimes he can't wait to get them off...especially in the car...other times he begs us to put them on. Yesterday he found he cowboy boots and said "boot" until I put them on. We are both feeling a little under the weather so yesterday was a PJ day. Here is Aaron in his PJ's and cowboy boots. He played like this all morning.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sending an email

Finally a good picture with a smile!!!

We set up a table with an old key board and mouse for Aaron in the office and when we are using the computer, he will climb into his chair and start typing away.
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Cleaning Up

Aaron is really good about picking up his toys, stuff he spills, and now wiping up toys. Today when he and Caleb spilled some water he was trying to wipe it up. So, I did what any mom would do and gave him a paper towel and put him to work. Here he is at work...he actually really enjoyed it.

Throwing away the dirty paper towel

striking a pose
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Today Aaron got his first golf lesson from Caleb. He was a natural!!!

How far did it go?

Concentration very hard
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