Thursday, July 17, 2008

New design

So thanks to the blog for my bible study I am in, I learned about this website that has cool layouts for free. So, I decided to check it out and update our blog. What do you think? If you want to change your blog, click on the link to the left for Leelou blogs.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Believing God

I am doing a Beth Moore Bible study called Believing God with a group of 20 women at church. Thankfully one of my friends here in High Point saw the need for a bible study in the summer and stepped up to organize and lead a study. Thanks Shannon!!! One of the things she has been challenging us to do is memorize scripture. I have always made up tons of excuse of why I am not good at memorizing scripture. They are all excuses. Caleb has always been good at it and knows the book of Colossians. I'm not just bragging on him here, well I kind of am. Anyways, its been amazing to watch how he has applied these verses to his life and ours. So, between these two challenges, I have decided to stop making excuses and give it a try. I wanted to share with you guys a few verses that have been written on my heart and mind the past couple of weeks that have had a huge impact.

Romans 10:17 Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
This verse reminds me how much I need to be in the word.

Philippians 1:27
What ever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.
This verse really helps me check what I am doing and saying. It really reminds me of how I should respond in any and every situation.

1 Corinthians 2:9 No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.
This verse just gives me such peace.

Along with memorizing scripture there are 5 main points to this study. These are things that I have to constantly remind myself of as well.
1. God is who he says he is.
2. God can do what he says he can do.
3. I am who God says I am.
4. I can do all things through Christ.
5. God's word is alive and active in me.

Knowing and meditating on these truths and scripture has been such a joy and blessing for me. I just wanted to share them with y'all.

Now that I have made up for my lack of blogging the past few weeks, its time to get back to cleaning the kitchen. Does it ever end???


Here is proof of Aaron playing catch. He did a really good job!!!
I am unashamed of my bragging on Aaron right now. Thats what this blog is all about anyways.
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15 months

Today we had Aaron's 15th month appointment. The appointment went rather well. He cried anytime the doctor or nurse got close to him, but I hear that is normal for this age. He really is a mama's boy. He is doing everything he is suppose to be and is growing well. He weighed 24 lbs and 1 oz. This is a good jump from 21 lbs at 12 months. He is back to around the 50th %tile. He had gotten down to 25th %tile at his last appointment. He continues to have a big head (90th) and is tall, 32.5 in (75-90th). I like to think he gets his hieght from me and big head from his daddy. Even though he is tall and thin, he still has that great toddler belly.

Aaron in Chapel Hill

Aaron learned to catch a ball while playing with Caleb. This is his excited face as he is waiting for the ball.

Saying and signing please as he begs for my ice cream from The Yogurt Pump (a Chapel Hill favorite).
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Us with Aaron in Chapel Hill

Aaron loves giving kisses
Family Picture
Walking to Mommy!!
Playing with Daddy!!!
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Pictures of Chapel Hill

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No good excuse

I don't know why I have been postponing writing on our blog lately, but I have. I could come up with some excuses, but really, it is so much more fun to read people's blogs than write on ours. As I try to think of what we have been doing the past few weeks, I can't think of anything that exciting except our trip to Chapel Hill for the Fourth of July. Ever since we have gotten married with have spent the 4th with the Blackers near DC. This year the plans changed a little and we met up in Chapel Hill. We had a great time visiting with them, the Hoyle's, the Lemarbre's and Chad McGhee (Carolina grads and UNC Crusade staff). Thanks a ton to Miles and Emme who let us stay at their house. It worked great!!! Unfortunately fireworks got rained out, but it was a little blessing because we got to put Aaron down for bed at a reasonable hour. He was such a trooper, we had his off his schedule so bad, but luckily it didn't take him long to get back on it.

Here are some pictures that Mike took with thier nice new camera. He took a few hundred pictures of campus and Aaron, but here are just a few of my favorites.

Blogger and I are not getting along right now, so pictures will be in a seperate post.