Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Daddy and Me

Last night while I was getting dinner ready Caleb and Aaron were hanging out. I noticed they were really quiet and when I looked over they were both enjoying some evening reading. Why waste time with baby books when they can read Forbes and The Economist. I'm glad that Caleb now has someone else to talk about Politics and Economics. We better be careful or Aaron's first word will be "econ talk". (Econ Talk is a pod cast that Caleb loves listening too. If you have hung out with us any in the past few months, you probably have heard something about Econ Talk).

Carolina Fan

On Saturday, Aaron went to his first Carolina football game. Of course I forgot to take any pictures, but he was cheering on his team wearing some of his UNC gear. He did great during the game and made all sorts of friends and flirted with every lady around. After the game we went to Raleigh and saw Chris and Cathy who led our bible study when we were up there. They had a little boy, Ben, about 5 weeks after we had Aaron. The little guys got to play together while we caught up, but they weren't to interested in one another. Aaron also got his first ride in an outdoor swing. He just sat back and enjoyed the free ride. We also enjoyed having dinner with our good friends, Derek and Elisa. We got to ride by and see their new home that they are waiting to close on. Welcome to the world of being home owners, and the never ending list of things to buy and fix.

Aaron and Ben: look at the thighs on those guys.

Aaron sitting back and relaxing.

Baby Food

Sorry it has been so long since I added anything. I guess I'm not as good at this blog thing as I was hoping. Anyways, since my last post, we introduced Aaron to rice cereal and other baby foods. He is doing well with it. Of course, he wears as much as he eats sometimes, but that makes it more fun. Now that we are giving him food, he begs for anything that we are eating or drinking. Watch out, he will try to steal your food too.

Aaron enjoying his Grandmama (my mom) feeding him his cereal.

Aaron eating cereal for the first time...he isn't to sure about it at this point.