Monday, March 24, 2008

The finished product

I finally finished redoing the furniture in our bedroom. So here are some pictures of the finished project. I have to say, I am rather pleased but it is not perfect. I used 2 types of polyurethane and one turned out a lot shinier than I wanted . I have a couple of spots to touch up, but it is good enough for now. After over a year and half of being in our house, we finally got curtains in our room. Next time, our bedroom will not be one of the last rooms to be finished.
This is our dresser, which is the piece that looks the best. I wish I had pictures of it before. You can see from my previous post the mirror as I had it torn apart.
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Random pictures

Playing with Uncle Brian. Aaron was not interested in getting in the box to play, so he just watch Brian play in it.
Playing some music
Since Aaron does not want to stay still for diaper changes, mom had Aaron in her lap to get it on. I think Aaron was enjoying that game.
The hard work for a diaper change...for mom, not Aaron.
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Baths (the need, the fear, the result)

About 2 weeks ago, Aaron all of a sudden started hating his bath. He cried and reached for you to get him out. Before this episode, he loved baths and would walk you into the bathroom multiple times a day. To help him overcome his fear, I tried to make baths a little more fun. A couple of days ago he was in major need of a good bath...

so I figured I would give it a try again. He did good. Especially once he remembered how to splash. Now he is trying to climb into the bath tub again and walks you into the bathroom. I am so glad his fear of the bath is over. We are going to have to figure out a way to wash his hair without him getting upset now. He use to do soooo good keeping his head up so the water would not run in his face. But now anytime water goes on his head, he looks down as quick as possible and gets upset when the water gets in his face. If anyone has any tips, they are welcome.

Playing in his crib all clean after bath time and before bed.
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Playing with Chewy. This is Caleb's parents' dog. He is such a sweet calm dog and sat with Aaron poking him with no problems.
What are you talking about???
Family picture on Easter Sunday.
Picture with Caleb's parents.
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Easter Egg Hunt

Here are some pictures from Aaron's first Easter Egg Hunt. We went last weekend to one held at church that was sponsored by my MOPS group. We got there about 5 minutes late and missed the hunt part, but we got to hang out with some friends.

Practicing walking with daddy's help. Aaron is getting really good at walking while holding your fingers. How he is walking some holding just one hand.
Family picture
"playing" with friends, Caroline and Issac. Issac and his twin sister are a week younger than Aaron and normally get to "play" together a couple times a week at different things.

Friday, March 14, 2008

The verdict is in....

Due to many of you being stalkers (its ok, I'm one too) I will continue the blog. I can't make any promises right now on how good I will do with posting, due to everything listed in the previous post, but I will do my best with keeping you up to date with stories and pictures. I will strive to be as good of a blogger as Josh and Danielle as they always have great stories and pictures and new post all the time. For now, enjoy the sporatic post. Also, if there is anything specific you want to hear about, let me know.

Furniture Market, Seperation Anxiety, and Busy Season

Well, that describes my life right now. We are renting out our house for 10 days for the only event that keeps High Point alive, the Furniture Market. It happens twice a year in April and October. There are more people who come to High Point than there are hotels, so people rent out there houses. We have talked about renting our house ever since we have moved in but just now did it. I am slightly nervous, but have heard mainly success stories. I am excited because we are using some of the extra money for a new bed (we are graduating to a queen!!!) and other new things we (I) have been wanting for the house. In preparing for this, I am doing some major cleaning, organizing, and redecorating. You are suppose to make your house as much like a hotel as possible. I guess it will be good for me, because I am doing some major cleaning that I have been putting off.

Busy season is starting to slow down for Caleb, except for the fact he has a 3-4 week trip to Miami coming us. He leaves Monday for a week then is home for a week before returning to Miami for 2-3 weeks. The exciting thing is that I am going to go stay with him for a weekend and leave Aaron with my parents!!! I am really looking foward to a nice weekend at the beach for the two of us. After this Miami trip, things should slow down a lot and we can enjoy more family time. I am counting down the days.

Aaron is currently going through some seperation anxiety. I think it has been more than a month since I have been able to sit through a whole church service without being called out. Luckily when a go to my bible study and MOMS group on Wednesday and Thursday Aaron does fine. It is the same lady who watches him both days every week. Aaron loves her. She is the only person besides family that Aaron we willing leave my arms for right now. Along with this, Aaron is being pretty clingy during the day. When we are playing, he wants to climb all over me, stand up holding on to me, or grab to 2 fingers to walk. I am really looking foward to when he can walk on his own, because then I won't have to break my back giving him support. I will probably regret saying that when he is walking.

Time to go finish watching UNC Basketball. GO HEELS!!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Two more teeth

Aaron has finally cut his top two teeth. I have thought for months now that he was going to get those teeth "any day". Well, that "any day" has finally come. He looks so cute with little nubs poking out. Hopefully we won't have to wait another 6 months for him to get more teeth or this is going to be a long process. The past week Aaron has really figured out how to pull up on everything. He especially love pulling up in his crib and plopping back down on his butt. He has done this for over 20 minutes on multiple occasions. While figuring out how to pull up on everything, he is getting on his hands and knees more and is actually starting to crawl (on his hands and knees instead of an army crawl). I have a video of Aaron playing in his bed, but I can't get it to work. I will post it when I get it to work.

Monday, March 3, 2008


Aaron and I reading a story before going to bed. I am so thankful that he is doing sooooo good sleeping. He goes to bed on his own, we put him in his crib around 7:00 and rarely hear anything from him till 7:00 the next morning. I can finally say he is consistently sleeping through the night. He is napping great too. For example, he took 2 naps today from 1 1/2 hr to 2 hrs. He sleeps better and more it seems like now than when he was little. I guess he is getting tired from playing sooo hard. Its amazing how much better I feel after getting a couple full nights of sleep.

A new thing that Aaron loves sitting in the drivers seat and driving the car. I guess its better than being strapped in a seat looking out the back window.

Walking with Caleb at the park. Aaron doesn't understand you can't walk on water. After this picture we went for a 7 mile walk around Salem Lake. It was nice to have hours with no interruptions, just us hanging out. Aaron slept a good bit in his stroller and Caleb and I enjoyed the quality time.

Swinging at the park on a nice afternoon.

Aaron giving goodbye kisses to my mom.

Aaron is 11 months old

I can't believe how time has flown by. In just a month we will be celebrating Aaron's first birthday. He is loosing his baby look and turning into a toddler. I can't believe its been 11 months. You are starting to see his personality come out more and more. He knows what he wants and where he wants to go. He recently has started to scream to get your attention and let you know he wants something, or that he isn't happy. Hopefully we can discourage this quickly. He is also getting around on his own more. He still does his army crawl, but now he gets on his hands and knees. That helps him a lot in his quest to pull to stand. His favorite thing now is to cruise furniture and walk. He reaches for your hands, takes 2 fingers and is off. He can walk really fast, especially if someone is chasing him. He love peek-a-boo and to be chased. His top two teeth are so close to coming out. FINALLY. He has had his bottom teeth since October and just now the top 2 are coming. Which I guess is a good thing since I am still nursing. I am actually weening him, which is going well, except for the fact he won't drink formula or whole milk. I definitely can tell he is eating more since I have cut down on some feedings (nursing) but I really think he should drink milk. Hopefully that will come. Aaron is also going through a little separation anxiety. The past couple of weeks I have been called out of bible studies, MOPS, and church because he is hysterical. Of course he is fine once I get him. Hopefully this phase will end soon. He does fine when he is with people he knows, which I am very thankful for. Well, there is a little update on Aaron. Caleb and I are doing well. We are ready for busy season to be over, but other than Caleb working a ton and Aaron and I missing him, we are doing well.

To blog or not to blog???

Well, that is my question to the 5 of you that read our blog. I am trying to decide if I want to keep doing it. I know I haven't done the best job with it, so now I am wondering if it is worth it. That is where you come in. If I get enough people to admit they stalk our family and want me to keep it up, I will. I will even try to be more consistent (1-2 times a week is all I will commit to at this point). I am slightly obsessed with stalking friends by reading their blogs, instead of writing on ours. Maybe by the end of the week I will make a decision. Let me know what you think.