Monday, August 27, 2007

Aaron's room

Not much has been going on here in High Point so I thought I would take this time to show everyone a few pictures of Aaron's room. We finally got the curtains hung, thanks to mom and dad. Of course the room in Carolina blue and there is Carolina stuff scattered throughout.

Aaron's crib that he sleeps good in at night, but not so good for naps. I'll take a good nights sleep over good naps any day.

My favorite thing...the glider. I had to really convince Caleb we "needed" it.
I am so thankful we got it.

This bookshelf was made by Caleb just for Aaron.
He did a great job and it fits just perfect.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Rolling Over

Today Aaron learned to roll over. He has rolled from his back to his tummy a couple of times before while in his crib. These were accidents though. This morning Caleb and I were talking about how he was getting really close. Well, not 2 hours later Aaron figured it out. He rolled from his back to his tummy, then lifted his head and smiled. He was so proud of himself and loves his new trick. He has done it probably 50 times since then. Of course I had a hard time getting pictures of this milestone, but here are a couple. Hopefully he will learn the other way soon. I am nervous when he is in his crib, he is going to roll over and get stuck.

Aaron thinking about rolling to get his toys, starting with kicking his legs.

Kicking his legs more and more...working sooo hard.

"Did I really do it?" Way to go Aaron!!!

Aaron and I playing on our tummies after he rolled over!!!

We had a great weekend getting to see so many old friends from UNC. We all gathered to celebrate with Josh and Danielle, the new Mr. and Mrs. Shelley. It was a beautiful wedding and so much fun. Mike Blacker stayed with us while his wife, Megan was busy with the bride. Below is a picture of Mike with Aaron. I had to post it as proof that he played with Aaron. Aaron was putting on the charm and trying to convince Mike that he needs a little friend. Hopefully one day we will be joined by Baby Blacker.
Look at that smile...definitely the son of Caleb Vuljanic.

Saturday while we were at the wedding, we got a call from Brian and Jen stating they were going to Jamaica to help in relief from Hurricane Dean. They flew out yesterday to Florida to wait and see where they are needed most. Please keep them in your prayers. We hope that they have a great time and I know their help will be appreciated. We can't wait to see them in 3 weeks and Aaron will have to show them his new trick.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Our growing boy

I know that I have not done the best job at keeping everyone posted with pictures and the Aaron's current skills. So here is a brief overview of the past 4 months. On April 2 I started having some mild contractions so Caleb and I prepared to go to the hospital. We were waiting and waiting for them to get stronger and closer together. That night we went to bed and I didn't have anymore. The next morning I called the doctor after the contractions started again and they told me to come in and they would check me. When we got to the Doctors office, they told me I was 5 cm dialated and to go straight to the hospital. We got checked in around 12:30, they broke my water and gave me pertusin around 2:00 then I had Aaron at 8:05. He was 7 lb and 14 oz and 20.25 inches long.

Caleb and Aaron getting ready to come home from the hospital.

Aaron a few days home. This is one of my all time favorite pictures.

He has grown and changed so much over the past few months. Here are a few pictures of our growing boy.

5/17/07 Aaron talking to his favorite toy, the yellow bee on his car seat.

Aaron with Grandmother (my Grandmother) at his first trip to the farm in mid June.

Aaron's first trip to the zoo when we went to see some of our best friends, Mike and Megan Blacker, in their new home outside DC. Too bad Aaron slept through most of the trip to the zoo...I guess we will have to go back if the Blackers will have us.

Aaron's first trip to the beach. Caleb, Aaron and I met mom and dad and their friends from GA at the beach for a day.

We went to the Dr. for Aaron's 4 month check up last week and he weighed 15 lb and 11 oz. I am going to have to start working out to keep up with him. Aaron smiles so much and this week is laughing, especially when Caleb plays with him or you tickle him. He reaches for things and this morning took his first grab for the scissors sitting on the desk. Everything is finding its way to his mouth. He sucks and chews on his pointer and middle finger all the time. He now is becoming interested in his thumb. He has rolled over a couple of times, but only when he is tiered. He loves to be held up and to sit with our support. Overall Aaron is a great baby but he does have some lungs and screams to let you know when he is not happy or really tiered. Many of you have been able to experience that ear piercing cry.

Its time for me to run, Aaron is waking up.

Stay at home mom

After a few of our friends have started blogs, I finally am jumping on the bandwagon. I thought this would be a good, and hopefully easy, way for everyone to keep up with whats going on at our home...don't worry, it will mainly be about Aaron. Caleb and I have come to understand that is most important to everyone. I hope that I will update this often and I will definitely have a lot of pictures of our handsome baby.

What better day to start a blog than on my official last day of employment. I got a wonderful welcome to the life of the unemployed from Dad this afternoon. For those who don't know the details, while I was pregnant with Aaron I arranged with my work to return part time. I was the first in my position to have this opportunity and was very thankful for it. I was loving my job and thought that part time would be a great mix. I went back to work in June when Aaron was 10 weeks old. Caleb's mom, aka Grammy, watched Aaron since she is out of school for summer break. We were hoping to find someone to watch Aaron when she went back to work (this week). As the time got closer for her to return to work, we had not found someone to watch Aaron (we are very picky) so we decided for me to be a stay at home mom. I have been so excited about this opportunity. I missed Aaron so much when I was working and it was a lot harder on our family than I thought it would be. So, 30 days ago, I turned in my notice...and today I had my last day.

I am so excited about getting to be with Aaron all day and be the one to watch him learn to do all the new things. I will fill everyone in later with all his new skills. He is growing so quick and I don't want to miss a thing. Hopefully with this blog, everyone else can stay up to date as well.

Here a couple recent pictures...more to come.

Aaron arm wrestling his Uncle Brian.
We are so glad Brian and Jen are back from Bolivia...they returned July 31st.

Aaron sitting like an old man...
fyi...Brian is holding him up in the back. He is not sitting yet, even though his Aunt Jen is trying to teach him to like they do in Sudan. Sudanese babies sit around 3 months.

P.S This post is actually from Wednesday, 8/15/07.