Monday, August 25, 2008

Nothing sweeter

While I am using this blog as a way to procrastinate from cleaning up from dinner I am listening to Caleb give Aaron a bath. I hear Caleb talking with Aaron and Aaron's adorable laugh. There is nothing sweeter to me than listening/watching them play together. Caleb can get Aaron laughing so much and when Daddy gets home...its play time. Aaron especially like giving Caleb blocks to build and for Caleb to chase him. It is so cute to watch Aaron as he tries to do everything that Daddy does. He even did his first attempts at push ups a couple of days ago. I guess we are going to have a mini-Caleb on our hands...which sounds great to me.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Aaron's faces

Right now Aaron has been giving us many "looks" and "faces". That is why he has such a wierd look in the picture from the last post. It is really hard to get a good picture right now as he either runs away when I pull out the camera or makes a face when I say smile. So, there is a lack of recent pictures. Here are a few of his faces:

Pouty face (which he does on command but can't keep because he laughs). We tend to crack up at this one too!!
Not sure what this one means

He actually not very happy with me at this moment...if you couldn't tell.
This is Aaron showing his teeth. He is actually teething right now. He is getting some molars in even though he only has 6 front teeth instead of 8.
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Finally a good excuse...

Do you get it? It took some people in my family a little bit longer than others to understand the message of the shirt...its OK Brian, we still love you!!! We're pregnant!!! #2 is due March 9, 2009. This will put them 23 months apart. We are really excited and Caleb continues to hope for all boys, while I wouldn't mind getting my girl now. Of course we will be thrilled either way. We will find out the sex of the baby at 18 weeks...I am 11 now, so 7 more weeks and we will know. I am glad that the first trimester is almost over. I have felt pretty good so far. I had a couple weeks of "morning sickness" which really means feeling gross all day long. Thank goodness all that is over. Now that I know I just have to eat all the time. I have been very tired and for some reason Aaron doesn't understand that he is suppose to sleep later and nap longer now that mommy "has a baby in her tummy." We have been trying to teach Aaron this concept. He doesn't get it all the way. He says "baby" a lot now but he thinks there is a baby in his tummy. He lifts up his shirt and says "baby" all the time. Well that's my excuse for not blogging...I hope its good enough for those of you who haven't given up on us.

More on Aaron's face in this picture at a later time.
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